Geotrace is a geographical traceroute utility. It is heavily based on
You will need gtk 1.2 ( and
gdk-pixbuf (
Look below for a tarball.
As of v0.0.3, it should be pretty stable (well, maybe v0.0.4).
This site is hosted by 
2001-10-30: Allright, I haven't updated this page in a long time. And probably won't for a while after this. I'm way to busy this semester to work on geotrace. However, my plan is to rewrite it entirely someday (something that needs to be done badly since I wrote most of it in a few days). In the mean time, do whatever you want, and dno't check back here until a few months from now.
2001-05-09: I'll be out of town for a while (return date unknown so far)
and I'm afraid I won't be able to work on geotrace until I get back.
Please be patient. I will keep checking sourceforge and my e-mail for bug
reports or anything else really. Have a good one.
2001-04-23: added instructions on how to use
other maps.
2001-04-19: RPMs for v0.0.4 are available. Rob rocks.
2001-04-18: Release v0.0.4: added options, cmd line args, minor bug fixes
I'm also going to put some new screenshots soon. Check in a little while.
**** later: some screenshots of v0.0.4 are up. scroll down.
2001-04-15: RPMs are now available. Go to the project page. Thanks Rob.
Also, the next version should be coming soon. See below for what's
2001-03-31: Release v0.0.3: major bug fixes. some new features.
2001-03-28: Release v0.0.2: mainly bug fixes
2001-03-27: Initial release of GeoTrace: v0.0.1
**** later: fixed broken tarball. sorry.
Latest version: 0.0.4
i386 RPM 
source RPM 
Previous versions
Next Version: v0.0.5: no planned release date yet
- keep trace when changing maps (requires some rewrite of the code)
- distance calculation and location checker (distance/RTT check)
- add movie style trace (option.slow drawing. totally unrealistic :) see
007: Goldeneye and many other bad movies. I don't know if I actually want to do that one.
- more stuff (to be decided)
Using other maps:
In order to be able to use a new map with geotrace, you only need to know
one thing: the longitude/latitude of the top left and bottom right
corners. Most maps you will find will be centered on 0,0 (about 5 degs
south of Ghana and 10 degs west of Gabon. for those of you who don't
know, it's in Africa.). So, let's do it step by step:
1) Find a map. there are plenty on the web. Nasa's a good place to find
them (it is a mess though). Or grab one of the few maps at a site with maps for
XGlobe and XPlanet.
The image must be in a format understood by gdk-pixbuf (most images you'll
find will be jpeg or gif which work).
2) Go to the maps/ directory in geotrace. Put the map in there and open up
3) on the second line, you'll see MAPS:World50.gif, World100.gif etc...
That's a list of all the maps. Add the name of your recently downloaded
map on that line.
4) now, you need to tell geotrace what the coordinates are. Add a line to
the file that looks as follows:
filename: case sensitive, map has to be in the maps/ folder
lon1 and lat1: longitude and latitude of the top left corner
lon2 and lat2: longitude and latitude of the bottom right corner
As I said earlier, for most maps you'll find, you'll get -180,90,180,-90
which means that the map is centered on 0,0. However, the two world maps
(World100 and World50) in geotrace are centered on 10W,0
You might notice that the three maps of the US have another line
associated with them. That's the alber projection. You probably won't have
to deal with that.
4) Run geotrace, select your map from the drop-down and enjoy.
Known bugs/limitations:
- Some hops may have extravagant locations, but for once, it's not my
fault. The netgeo
server does not have fully updated records. So my advice is, just live
with it
Of course, any feedback, suggestions, bug reports are greatly appreciated.
Use the
Project Page on
sourceforge or e-mail:
Please use sourceforge for bugs so that other people can profit from it.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 9th 2001. 9:26 EST